Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mayan facts top 10

10.Mayan culture still alive
9.fond of jewlery

8.Their "bible" is still around.
 7.advanced writing skills
6.Still use blood sacrifice
5.had sweat baths
4.Mayans had pain killers one knows what happened to them.
2.They used tear gas to fight the spainish 
1.Desired unnatural traits

Mayan Art

                                Mayan Art

The art of the Maya reflects their culture. Their art consisted of carving into wood, obsidian, shells, stone, jade, and bone. They also painted on paper a plaster, and made sculptures. Many pieces of Maya art are spiritual and were made to please the gods. Most art depicts legendary heroes, gods, religious scenes, great rulers, and daily life. A common form of Mayan sculpture was called Stela. These were large stone slabs cover with carvings. Much Mayan art still stands today in museums. 

 Mayan Carving.

Mayan Fashion

This picture shows the Huipil or Mayan dress.

Ancient Mayan clothing was very different than the clothing we wear today. It was never close fitting and was tied together using cloth knots. Mayan clothing was usually made using cotton or hemp and died using natural dyes. Both men and women wore headdresses with the mans headdress generally being more complicated. The poor wore undecorated loincloths while the rich wore garments such as the pati and breech-clout. Women would wear a skirt and a sleeveless, poncho-like tunic known today as the huipil or a dress